In a message dated 11/24/99 1:29:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, 


wow.  someone's cheerios have been pissed in.
as an innocent bystander, i didn't see anything directed at you, other than 
the fact that the bands didn't correlate.  and, while you were pointing out 
that they didn't fall in the vein that you expected them to, i don't think 
that invalidates amy's comments in re: that very fact.  after all, with any 
sense of musical perspective and a little research, it could/would be fairly 
obvious to see that the red house painters, smog, and belle and sebastian 
fall into far different musical spheres than say, modest mouse or the archers 
of loaf.  there are clues.  you can get one.
second, there's no reason to take your insecurities and 
"me-against-the-world" attitude out on amy.  if you'll notice, much of the 
discussion about the way "indie" kids and "emo" kids (or vulcans, or 
monkey-core kids, whatever you like) dress has been, and rather explicitly 
so, in terms of stereotypes.  if you'll notice, amy did say "supposed 
emoians."  the use of the word "supposed" before the word "emoians" is a 
literary device that has been used to relate the idea that this is a 
'"stereotype" that amy has discerned amongst kids who may or may not fall 
under other "stereotypes".  it is a distinction of the person's outward 
appearance as facade, or costume, if you will, regardless of what deep 
connection that these people may feel that they are clothes regard them as 
but, hey, you're you, so fuck all that, right?  i mean, that's what you tell 
us, after all you wouldn't want to be a "TRUE" anything, right?  but such an 
outraged response to someone's description of what emo-kids appear to be (and 
strictly in terms of appearance in the visual sense - if you'd be so kind to 
re-read, there are no judgement calls of the aforementioned's personalities) 
would make one wonder how closely you ally yourself to that stereotype.  
again, after all, fuck all that, right?
sorry if mom & dad haven't looked at you the same way since you got those 
piercings that you're oh-so-proud-of, but just like you're you, and you like 
"indie" rock, but you don't like all the music you hear, amy is herself, and 
she doesn't like your piercings, either.  no reason to displace that 
aggression and frustration, gap-boy.
but hey, fuck all that, you've got your personal-punk-rock expression badge.
likewise, before you purchase music you haven't heard, get an informed 
opinion and do some research before taking that out on others, too.

love and kisses

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