from everything ive read, they haven't split up, they're taking a break.
They just finished a long tour, it makes sense, right?

this is from
Contrary to what has been said, Pavement are not breaking up. They are
taking a much
needed rest as they do at the end of every touring year. They would like to
thank all of those
who have supported them this year as in the past. They will be back sooner
than you know.
In the meantime, Pavement will be working on "The Slow Century" video and
compilation to be released sometime in the new century.

-----Original Message-----
From: amy wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 5:41 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: i feel sick

> blah..ok..i just heard from this guy who i talk to on icq sometimes that
>pavement have split up.  SM announced it at a recent show.
>ugh, can anyone confirm this?  :(
>- amy, very bummed.

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