hey isnt damien jurado christian? well cause hears the thing..i cant
stand fucking stand  him..his music sucks basically just another will
oldham rip off...but you see...last nihgt i was watching something on
the dinsey channel for like 5 minutes (dont ask) and one of the teenage
characters had a fucking damien jurado poster on his wall...i swear to
god...now dont you think thats lame? like maybe the producer put it
there cause he was familiar with damien's music...probly just because
hes christian or something you know? i just found that to be very odd..i
mean its the disney channel for godssake...you wouldnt see a disney
movie with a will oldham poster on the wall..or any other indie rock
musical outfit for that matter. oh well this is going no where..i just
thought it was funny.

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