typical Mouse, I think...
Although they do go from something kind of pretty to something violent at 
times (tundra/desert).
Depends on whether you like the slow stuff or the hard stuff...I like both, 
and think that #5 (I don't have the CD in front of me, but I believe that's 
the "their timing was so damn right alright yeah", dancing song) is one of 
the better songs on that CD.
Talkin' shit about a pretty sunset though...mmmmm....

>From: "amy wolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [MMouse]: observations
>Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 15:38:41 -0600
>has anyone ever noticed on "this is a long drive..." how on #5, #6, and #14
>(well actually #14 is beautiful entirely) they sound kinda messy at the
>beginning and then they go into these gorgeous slow or more guitar oriented
>songs that make the beginning of the song worthwhile to listen through?  i
>don't particularly like #5 or #6, but the other day i decided to just go
>through the entire cd without skipping, and i found these awesome guitar
>solos or slower songs anyway that are great.
>- amy

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