In a message dated 11/25/99 1:07:03 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< hey isnt damien jurado christian? well cause hears the thing..i cant
 stand fucking stand  him..his music sucks basically just another will
 oldham rip off...but you see...last nihgt i was watching something on
 the dinsey channel for like 5 minutes (dont ask) and one of the teenage
 characters had a fucking damien jurado poster on his wall...i swear to dont you think thats lame? like maybe the producer put it
 there cause he was familiar with damien's music...probly just because
 hes christian or something you know? i just found that to be very odd..i
 mean its the disney channel for wouldnt see a disney
 movie with a will oldham poster on the wall..or any other indie rock
 musical outfit for that matter. oh well this is going no where..i just
 thought it was funny.
 andrew >>

yeah, it's your opinion, but, hey, it sucks.  what is the correlation between 
"hey (isn't) damien jurado christian?" and "well cause (here's) the thing . . 
. i cant stand fucking stand him. . ."  now, either you're a) a foreigner to 
the english language and proper grammar, or b.) qualifying the fact that you 
don't like him by noting his personal beliefs.  this makes you incredibly 
ignorant, and quite narrow-minded.    though i normally don't go to lengths 
to associate myself with any term relating to religion, for your convenience 
i shall call myself an atheist (i generally find the term to be reactionary 
to something that isn't a part of my life, and therefore don't use it).  
chances are, if i were going to film a scene that involved a character that 
listened to music, i might very well put a damien jurado poster on his wall.  
and not because i'm christian or something, you know?  the closest damien has 
come to being "blatantly christian" in a song would be halo-friendly, and 
that's a stretch.  if you don't like the music, fine.  if you're ill-informed 
and have a poor enough perspective on music to call him "another will oldham 
rip off," fine.  but whatever his religion, it's not enough of a component of 
the music to use it as a rationale to trash the guy.  as far as i can tell, 
he's never tried to convert people (on neither of his solo albums - both on 
sub pop, a decidely non-christian label that happens to be rather shrewd in 
marketing - does he even thank god or jc in the liner notes, or mention his 
beliefs in any other context)- he's not dc talk or twila paris, so back off.  
i tell you this as a favor, because inveritably, you sound dumb in front of 
people that have any real perspective on what you're talking about.  
admittedly, i am a fan of damien jurado.  but your statements just don't make 
sense, as there isn't much of a correlation between the music and his faith.  
if isaac happened to be christian, you could put modest mouse in where you 
put mr. jurado's name.  the mouse's music, as i'm sure you know, doesn't have 
anything to do with a belief in and love of christ or god.  so, in the 
hypothetical case that they happened to be christian, their christianity 
wouldn't be a logical grounds on trashing their music, would it?
and, if you think that just because someone works for disney that they must 
be christian, i'm sorry to shatter another bit of your naivete.


by the way, small soldiers had a man or astroman poster, as well as a possum 
dixon poster.

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