From: "Kate M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> If it bothers someone to hear Christian lyrics, then don't listen to it.
> Spirituality is, in many ways, what is missing from American culture. not to 
> say that we are lacking *religion*...I think we're all aware of 
> televangelists...but that deep, penetrating, life-altering spirituality  
> isn't very common.

Amen.  I watch Pastor John Hagee on the Christian channel a lot, just
cause he's simultaneously extremely funny and extremely scary, and he's
a great public speaker, and seeing something like that is when it
strikes me really hard that modern Christianity has managed to remove
almost all the spirituality from religion.  He was going off yesterday
about how demonic alcohol, Marilyn Manson, and Dungeons&Dragons were,
and I was thinking, "Dear God, surely all these people can't be agreeing
with this man?"  It was literally like watching Hitler - someone so deep
into the depths of insanity that they MUST either A)Not believe what
they're saying, or B)Believe what they're saying because they're a
nut-bar.  There is "no other possibility", as Negativland would say.

> Whether you want to follow Christ or Buddha or Krishna, I 
> think the message is pretty much the same: treat others as you would have 
> them treat you.

To be even simpler, it's like I often tell people - All major religions
in all the world have basically had one thing to say: "Play nice."

The problem is, most Christians don't follow Jesus, they follow his
disciples - the New Testament is hearsay from 60 or more years after
Jesus' death.  Plenty of time for the message to be scrambled and
confused like cable channels.

np:Mogwai, "Rollerball"
...extensive liner notes and make-believe alien languages...
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

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