In a message dated 12/1/99 3:13:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< hmm.  i am a christian.  i believe the bible.  i also believe in the
 creation theory.  i believe the world is probably around 10,000 years old.
 it can't be undoubtedly proven that it is older, just like it can't be
 undoubtedly proven that the evolution theory is correct, just like it can't
 be undoubtedly proven that the creation theory is correct.
 ben, i know you're dying.
 johnny. >>

K well, unless you have the scientific prowess to completely disprove carbon 
dating, which is something rediculous like 97.9% correct then maybe you have 
yourself an arguement.  However, considering the oldest Primate/human they 
have found to date has been dated past 40,000 years I think there might be 
some problems with your theory.  Do me a favor, take a few Geology Courses 
and then tell me what ya think.  Im not sayin youre wrong, well, yes I am, 
but regardless, seriously, don't you think the smartest people in the world 
would know a little bit more about the Halflife of Carbon molecules then say 
you or I?  For Christs sake, we actually had to perform carbon dating in my 
Geology class, thus making it a bit more of a theory than a hypothesis.  
Dont believe everything that you read.

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