In a message dated 12/1/99 11:39:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< ok. i have a new theory.  a believe God created the universe on december 
 1979, the day i was born.  everything is centered around me.  on this day
 god also created everyone else, made them various ages, gave them memories
 and created everything that else that existed on dec 27 1979.  but i am the
 center of the universe. >>

sorta reminds me of my theory. see i'm the only one who exists in this world. 
the rest of you are creations of my sub-conscious (yes i'm that damn 
creative!).  my feelings are the only ones that are real.  my fears. my 
loves. my obsessions. so it doesn't matter what happens to all of you as long 
as i am content and enjoying the ride. woooooooo. yeah!

and hey 

i am a scientist
i seek to understand me
all of my impurities and evils yet unknown

enuff of this god talk, kiddies!

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