dude, you are oh so right....my brain tends to stick things where i want
them to be rather than where they should be.....

nice catch, regarding watt, yr right ,mr watt is a treasure chest full of
info, that today's indie rockster would do well to check out....

assessing the damage to indie cred hit points,

> > i never gave a damn about the meter man , until i was the man who had to
> > read the meters....
> > ---the sonik ute, circa 1988 or so(sister record)
> that's actually a mike watt quote...  the sonics borrowed it from
> him.  and the song it's in, 'in the kingdom #19', is from evol.
> it came straight from the story/article linked below.  i'd suggest
> reading it -- watt is a wise and very great man.
> http://www.evol.org/knees.html
>  --- brad ( http://www.portup.com/~koskib )

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