At 02:16 PM 12/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
>so i was parusing my site referrer logs for indieboots and noticed that
>someone came from a newsgroup to my site. 
>so then i go to uh.. dejanews and i type in modest mouse
>and apparently the people in  are having a crazy modest
>mouse discussion. how odd. 

     Ah.  That was directly my doing, actually.  I put up about 7 Modest
Mouse .mp3s for them to listen to.  Many have been converted, and some even
came out of the shadows to proclaim their admiration for Modest Mouse as
well.  It was all very interesting.

     And for those who've been scared away from Tool due to the media
lumping them together with such acts as Korn and Limp Bizkit and Coal
Chamber and other similar bands, please reconsider.  Tool does not belong
with them.  Tool are genuine and amazing - one of the only bands that are
on equal par with Modest Mouse.  They both fluctuate, actually.

     Anyway, I'm guilty of band-wanking right now, so I will cease.

     - Matt

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