In a message dated 99-12-07 04:13:05 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< 12--Jeremy Enigk, "Return of the Frog Queen" (personally, I think this 
album has more lasting power than anything Sunny Day has released. but that's 
probably a controversial statement...) >>

think i'm going to have to agree on this one.

i almost forgot, in my 30 top 20 albums, i definitely have to include 764 
hero's get here and stay.  damnit, it's too good to not mention.

<< 24.Sublime-40 oz. to Freedom>>
sorry to sound insensitive, but i had had the misfortune of hearing mr. 
nowell's music before he died, and heard when he died, and i thought, well, 
at least i won't have to hear him all over the radio.  87 posthumous albums 
later, it is a cruel world indeed.   (and, in my defense, i can't feel sorry 
for someone who puts a junk habit before his career, wife, and especially, 
his daughter).

<<becks old day ramshackle folky heartfelt crazy tunes will always be
mint. stereopathetic and one foot in the grave is "choice material">>
okay, no disagreement here.  but, i think beck has done a pretty good job of 
tempering himself.  and besides, even if it is just postmodern vacuousness 
(which i wouldn't necessarily say), beck is infinitely more interesting than 
most of the other stuff put out through the corporate infrastructure.  and, i 
could hardly say that odelay is "the road taken many times before." maybe 
we're hearing different albums, but it's not like beck is comparable to a lot 
of other artists in terms of what he's doing, like him or not.
<<is it just me or should an artist change his name if hes going to change
the sound? >>
hmm. it's just you hopefully.  i was writing all of the above stuff before i 
came across this, but it's hopelessly a bad statement.  think real hard to 
your favoritest bands in the world, and their first album(s). . .would you 
really like them to keep putting the same thing out?  and, god forbid, i hate 
the beatles, but where would they (and much of music today) be if they kept 
playing "i want to hold your hand"?


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