I dont think i really have to say much about this
topic.  Honorable?  I think any true drug addict would
give up just about anything to not be hooked.  I also
think its a load of crap to think that drugs
contribute greatly to art in any way.  Thats like
saying getting drunk is inspiring or something.  Its
the other way around i think with creative people. 
Instead of substances contributing to their
creativity, its their creativity that contributes to
their substance use.  People who are open to many
different things are more willing to try different
things.  My personal opinion of drugs is that theyre
dirty and "surprise", a waste of time.  Actually as it
happens, i'll be a pharmacist in about a  year and a
half.  So i guess in that sense, drugs arent a waste
of my time.  But anyway, dont bother with drugs.  I
watched two people whom i liked a lot just fuck the
shit out of their lives on herion.  They started off
like everyone else.  You get drunk in highschool,
smoke a lot of pot, trip a bunch, then you start using
coke, and the next thing is always herion.  Why?  So
you can lay around so high you cant move for like 4-5
hours?  I couldnt even look at my friends anymore, i
was so disgusted by what theyd become.  Stay away from
that crap. Regular LSD use has a high correlation with
depression 5-10 years afterwards, and theres proof
that MDMA destroys brain cells in your cerberal
cortex.  Stick with weed and hash.  I dont even
consider those to be drugs...not in the negative
recreational sense.  

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