i agree that its dumb to use illegal substances (not like prozac or anything like that 
but the hard stuff) to control your emotions, because there are plenty of
people out there (but there seem to be less and less as time goes on) who can live 
life as they are supposed to-not fucked up and numbed from reality. and the whole
artist using drugs debate is a good one...but i think that all those artist you people 
have listed who abused drugs..dont you think they would  be just as creative
and talented (if not moreso) if they were clear minded? like they had the talent to do 
what they did anyway..all the drugs did was make it last shorter cause they
kill themselves. i wanna know if any of you people on this list are like me and dont 
feel the need to do any drugs..including alcohol drugs and cigarettes.....dont
get me started on cigarettes....those make even less sense than any of the other drugs 
you could do. and they are NOT punk rock no matter what anyone says.

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