> Who overrated Sleepy Hollow? Critics (and everyone else I know) panned it. I
> thought it was great. (And if I were to do a top 10 list, it'd make it in the
> 10-5 range.) What's the matter? Did everyone expect a believable fairy-tale?!
> In my opinion: I thought it was cleverly dated.

by overrated i just meant the general hype surrounding it.  a bunch of
places actually gave it really good reviews (like time and newsweek).  it
was promoted so much i was kind of disappointed that tim burton sunk into
some horror cliches.  the exploding windmill didnt exactly do it for me i

but i mean, yeah, i really liked some things in it.  i thought johnny depp
was really funny and the whole movie had that interesting tongue in cheek
aspect to it which worked really well.  the script was pretty bad in a lot
of places, and other than depp and christopher walken i thought the acting
was not all that amazing, esp. considering the really good cast.
christina ricci wasnt all that good either.


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