okay with the talk of bad movies i simply must share this woith you...lasy
christmas a friend of mine gave me a movie he bought at a pawn shop. it was called
'ROCK AND ROLL NIGHTMARE'...its about a heavy metal band that goes into seclusion
at a farm house in canada (the whole thing is like one long plug for canada - "are
you kidding? toronto is the place to be! the music scene, the art scene, where
better is there a place to rock out") anyway..the farm house is obviously inhabited
by satan (the worst satan ive ever seen) and the singer of the bad turns out to not
be a rock singer but actually some kind of angel who went there just as a hoax to
beat satan. oh yeah be beats satan by choking him till satan gives in a fades away.
if you ever find this movie get it i swear its the best movie ever. the best line
is when the guitarist is talking to his wife and he says "baby sometimes my boner
cant resist you". oh yeah another good movie is a porno (and im no usual porn fan
at all..but this is soooo funny) its called "driller" its a parady of THRILLER by
micheal jackson. find that one too. you wont be dissapointed.

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