<<You wanna know the REAL best way to not get sick? 
Stop taking
medicine.  I'm completely serious.  The more you rely
on medicine to
rid of minor illness/infection, the more susceptible
to them you will
be.  Think of it this way - every time you let yr own
immune system
a virus or infection, it gets stronger, because it
learns how to deal
with that infection/virus.  If you get rid of them
with medicine, yr
body learns nothing.>>
Thats actually fairly accurate.  Unfortunately, there
are way too many people out there taking way too many
antibiotics.  Since the majority of flu illness and
the "common cold" are caused by viruses and not
bacteria, it is fair to say that taking antibiotics is
often useless.  Look at all the little teenagers who
go to the dermatologist s and start taking them
because theres a slight chance it might help their
acne, look at all the farm animals who eat food pumped
full of AB's so they'll grow bigger, look at countries
like Mexico where you can walk into any pharmacy and
buy antibiotics straight off the counter without a
prescription.  Its rampid misuse like this that leads
to more powerful bacteria that cant be killed by any
existing antibiotics.  Remember Jim Henson?  He died
in the hospital because he contracted a strain of
bacteria that couldnt be affected by medication that
was available then.  
 << I mean, come on - if pharmaceutical companies
actually got rid of disease, wouldn't they go out of
business?  And
blindingly obvious that the ONLY thing pharmaceutical
giants care about
is making money, as evidenced by, for example, the way
it seems like
every child or teenager in the country is on at least
one kind of
anti-depressant, anti-psychotic, or whatever.  Funny,
we used to get
along just fine without them... in fact, if historical
accounts are to
be trusted, mental illness was LESS common before
these drugs came
along.  HMMMMM...>>

But its kind of retarded to say that pharmaceutical
companies are out to make sure that people stay sick. 
Like theres ever a chance that there wont be sick
people. If those companies didnt stop pumping out new
antibiotics to replace the old ones which will become
less effective over time, then we'd all have something
to worry about.  As far as the anti-psychotic/ anti
depressant thing goes, well fifty years ago you had to
be completely raving mad before they'd give you any
medication.  And back then there was practically no
medication in existence to help people who needed it. 
And depression?  Until the past ten years and the so
called "prozac revolution", most people practically
denied that it was a real illness.  If you said  you
were depressed twenty years ago, your family would
just tell you to shake it off and every thing will
work itself out.  The fact that you know a lot of
people on medication isnt neccesarrily a bad thing. 
That just means that more people are being diagnosed
correctly for mental illness.  Theres probably a large
contingent of the schizophrenic population even now
that isnt getting proper medical attention.  So the
bottom line is, when used properly, medication is not
a bad thing.  It just requires proper management.  For
instance, whenever a doctor does prescribe you
something, you should probably read any material you
get at the pharmacy before you put it in your body. 
But anyways, i dont buy into conspiracy theory crap
about dark and mysterious corporate giants who have
secret board meetings to detail their plans to take
over the world.  And that whole thread about
meat...all i have to say is that your body requires
protein one way or the other.  Because meat was once
living like you, it has a lot of things in it that the
cells in your body would also find useful. 
Unfortunately it also contains large amounts of fat
and cholesterol too.  But anyway as long as you cook
your meat thourghly, its not going to make you sick. 
YOu could die of heart or coronary artery disease or
you could develop colon cancer from eating too much,
but in moderation, i think its safe.  

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