i guess i just wanna comment on the frogs really.  i was gonna get into all
this other religious stuff about the new testament being bs but it's just
not worth it.
that entire scene was really amazing to me for..basically one reason.  i'll
try and explain it as best as possible.
in the bible, exodus 8...2?  well, that was what was on the billboards and
stuff, right?  ;)  anyway...in exodus 8:2 they talk about the whole frog
thing..i won't say what cos i'd rather not give it away, but it is talked
about quite thoroughly.  i think it's a pretty witty thing for a biblical
figure to do (not sure if it's true or not, but ya know..whatever) but even
more amazingly, this has actually happened before.  i know it happened for
logical reasons, but i can't get over that this has actually HAPPENED and
it wasn't just some fucked up thing they did in the movie.
i think paul thomas anderson is a real master at what he does.  he makes it
sorta neat to have morals and be a good person.  i've heard that
before...but i think philip c. hoffman (i've added too many
subjects..sorry..but i really was blown away by his performance so i had to
add that), and of course the movie in itself really made me figure out what
people mean by that.
- amy, up a little too early.

"i saved latin, what'd you ever do?" - max fischer.

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