yes. i hated Gummo. genuinely and sincerely. i'm not even an animal rights
activist  or a vegetarian, but i can't stand to look at cats being beaten
against trees that much and enjoy myself. and yes, i know that's not what
the movie is supposed to be About, but the whole hick thing just didn't
have all that much Redeeming Social Value to me anyway. KIDS was alright

Original Message
From: "Johnny Pneumonia"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [MMouse]: 'more movie talk
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 19:57:03 -0800

>three words: gummo. see it.
>it's like nothing i've ever seen. but then i'm used to the formulated,
>processed, hollywood movies. so whatever. this movie shatters all of
>that. rent it. YOU'LL hate it. (apologies to those who don't hate it).
>(up 'ere in canada, we listen to modest mouse to keep us warm in our

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