what a tool.

ok you're all receiving this (hopefully everyone gets this) because of all 
the ruckus being caused over my sale on ebay!  i just want to let you know 
that these are BURNED cds, i made cover art for them and shit,starting bids 
at 2 bucks, 2 bucks shipping, not a bad deal if you dont' have access to a 
cd-r yourself. but, you may reserve the right not to buy these items 
(12-22-99 or the Rare Demos CD) if you don't want to and you felt you were 
misled to believe they were "real"(if there is such a thing) bootlegs. for 
the record, i didnt get the mp3s from this russel guy, i had them before i 
knew he or his site existed, and i did not know that his site was widely 
publicized so i didn't think that those particular mp3s were going to be 
widely available, plus i'm broke as fuck so i figured i could try to make 
some cash, but just know, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY THE SHIT IF YOU DON'T WANT 
TO, HIGH BIDDER AT CLOSE OF AUCTION OR NOT. i could give a rats ass. if you 
want it SWEET i'll take your money (: i'm trying to be fair because all 
these people blew a gasket over me "making a buck off of someone elses 
generosity". you should hear some of the names i'm being called, i think 
this russel guy just took this as an opportunity for a little self promotion 
anyway. ok well enough rambling , thats the story, email me with questions 
and or comments.
or we can chat
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