New downloads available.  All MP3, all FREE (absolutely 
no cost involved, only
a voluntary registration; and a submission to our license agreement, 
which you must agree
to in order to download.)   These are for personal use only, and 
those who abuse this, will be
prosecuted/persecuted.  But I know that none of you would do that. 
Most of this is not rare,
though there are a couple of tracks.  We will be adding more 
rare/obscure songs in the future.
But this should serve as an excellent introduction to some of the 
bands on the Up roster.  It's
our hope that you agree.

the downloads can be accessed at:

here is a complete list of the new tracks (including 3 that were 
available for the last
couple months):


764-HERO : loaded painted red
764-HERO : calendar pages
Built to Spill : cleo
Built to Spill : twin falls
Duster : irato
Duster : heading for the door
Duster : echo bravo
Duster : inside out
Duster : orbitron
Duster : the queen of hearts
Duster : capsule losing contact
Jana McCall : today
Jana McCall : mother of earth
Modest Mouse : baby blue sedan
Modest Mouse : grey ice water
Modest Mouse : edit the sad parts
Modest Mouse : heart cooks brain
Modest Mouse : trailer trash
Modest Mouse : polar opposites
Modest Mouse : breakthough
Modest Mouse : talking shit about a pretty sunset
Octant : this and what
Octant : auto-1
Quasi : in the first place
Quasi : two-faced
Quasi : i never want to see you again
Quasi : sea shanty
Quasi : the star you left behind
Quasi : birds
Quasi : nati bati yi
The Dark Fantastic : the girl with the cross in her car
Violent Green : the glass song
764-HEROModestMouse : whenever you see fit

We welcome your feedback, and suggestions on future additions to the downloads.




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