i think there should be a movement to establish more waffle houses across 
the U.S. Theyre should be like turf-wars with McDonalds. It would be grand 
fun. It would be our mission to usurp the McDonalds empire with our Waffle 
House Revolution. In high school I started the Canadian Liberation Front 
which acted on the premise that all of the continental U.S. was Occupied 
Canada and we (me and 5 friends) were planning on returning it back to 
Canada. We succesfully stole the us flag from our school and raised the 
maple leaf. We also distrubeted pamphlets explaining our cause. It was dorky 
but what else can you do in the middle-of-nowhere missouri?  Well, anyhow, 
The Waffle-House Revolution could be kinda similar. At least we could raise 
some waffle house flags over mcdonalds, or throw waffles at mcdonald 
employees. I bet those things could stick to walls or even skin with eneogh 

viva la waffle revolution!

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