Although this doesnt necessarily have anything to do with waffles, this 
might be of intrest anyways...
Last saturday i saw the flaming lips and it was great but the point here is 
that after the show i asked Wayne if they would be touring with BTS and he 
said that he wanted to but Doug didnt feel like touring right now but there 
might be a couple of N.Y. shows together. So it was kinda of a mixed 
response.  He called Doug Martsch a "wierdo" and was looking forward to 
meeting him.  I dunno, i never really thought of Doug as wierd, but Wayne on 
the other hand... he's pretty damn wierd.
Back to waffles for a moment...
Does anyone know where i can find a Hello Kity Waffle Iron? do they exist? 
Maybe waffle house should make Official Waffle House brand Waffle Irons.
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