Whatever happened to AMP?  I dug that show but they kept throwing it all
over the place.  Whens it on?

~used to have such a longer list

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: How To Deep-Fry A Cat

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] "[MMouse]: How To Deep-Fry A Cat" 000228-18:38
> anyway, whose heard the kid koala album? fucking great!
> he rips those jive-talkers from "airplane!" among other genius samples
> this kid is amazing. and he's what, 15? damn...
> seth

he has a video on rotation on AMP on mtv that really stands out. better
than a lot of the stuff they put on there.

on another note, while waiting for 120 minutes to come on last night, which
it didnt, i left the tv on the undressed marathon they have every sunday
night. as background music for one of the episodes they played a song off
pavements latest, 'spit on a stranger' i think, and a rainer maria song.
then there was a trailer for some bad horror film which was playing
'titanium expose' by sonic youth in the background. whats the world coming

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