hey all-
this is just $0.02, not necessarily worth anymore than the next person's 
$0.02, as it is only my $0.02, and only I can give it away freely.
anyhow, i held off on even participating in this whole mp3-download thing 
because a) my computer and modem are both slow as hell, and b) i'm lazy.  but 
thanks to the goodness of russ (and a few others i've found) the temptation 
proved too great, so i'm now tying up my phone line for hours for a few 
songs.  anyhow, i think mp3s, for me personally, are gonna be a great 
resource for hard-to-find and live stuff, and listening to new bands or bands 
that i've heard a lot about but ne'er listened to before.  however, i don't 
see myself no longer buying albums, as even now, if i get, say a tape copy of 
something, if i like it enough, i'll purchase the album.  the most important 
factor in all of this goes back to why i find it unfortunate that cds are 
more convenient than vinyl - i really, really, really like liner notes and 
artwork.  i don't see myself ever downloading an entire modest mouse album 
(or another band that i might like a lot) and burning it to cd as opposed to 
just buying the damned thing, if only for the artwork, and having the album 
as the band/artist most likely wanted it to be presented.
i know not everyone thinks like me in this respect, but i imagine a few of 
you do.
then again, i get most of my cds used, or by "circumventing," shall we say, 
payment of mail-in record clubs.  so i guess this is all incidental anyway.


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