Thank the Yummy Fur for today's inspirational subject.

> Just got the latest SP singles-club installment.   
> Fieldsof = Gaffney.... who are these guys?  

That would be Mr. Eric Gaffney, formerly of Sebadoh
fame, whose last endeavor with the band was (my
personal favorite, and many will disagree) Bubble &
Scrape.  I hope his new 7" rawks.

>Oh, and SP is selling the remaining MM "never ending
>matheq" 7" from the club.  Two per club member for 
>five bucks each. Thatshould put a glut in the e-black

It already has, considering the fact that I saw one
such copy go for $61 about a month ago, and now people
are paying around $10.  Supply and demand, guns and
butter, it's all economics.

K8 wrote:
"i can't believe that i'm losing out (and so BADLY) to
allthese shiny whipper-snappers."

Sweetheart, I think you did yrself in by declaring
yrself ineligible in yr description - "My boyfriend
hates MM."  You're doing a lot better than some of us
if you have a significant other!  You're breaking all
of the single boys' hearts by taunting us with yr
lovely image, then proclaiming the boything.  And
worse, he hates MM???  I don't know about the rest of
you, but I would have a hard time dating someone who
didn't share at least some of my taste in music.  I
mean, music is my passion in life, and if someone has
little or no interest in yr passion, how could you
make up for that?  I'm not saying that they should
like EVERYTHING that I like, but if they can't feel
the power and emotion that I feel in some songs, I
would have a hard time believing that they are a
kindred spirit, ya know?

Ruxx called me king of the world?  I am honored.
Can you picture me with my arms stretched out
harnessed to the front of a luxury ocean liner?

keep yr eyes low,
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