This most recent digest was both the reason that i HATE this kinda
stuff, and why i love it.  So, I wrote that last letter for the same
reason that I sent in my photo -- to be funny.  Is the humor lost on
ya'll.  Real quick-like, a couple of my favorite highlights:

"Sweetheart, I think you did yrself in by declaring
yrself ineligible in yr description - You're doing a lot better than
some of us if you have a significant other!  You're breaking all
of the single boys' hearts by taunting us with yr lovely image, then
proclaiming the boything.  And worse, he hates MM???  I don't know
about the rest of you, but I would have a hard time dating someone
didn't share at least some of my taste in music.  I mean, music is my
passion in life, and if someone has little or no interest in yr
passion, how could you make up for that?  I'm not saying that they
should like EVERYTHING that I like, but if they can't feel the power
and emotion that I feel in some songs, I would have a hard time
believing that they are a kindred spirit, ya know?"  (phil)

this is BEAUTIFUL, phil!  really.  unt now, i vill TAUNT you!  and,
jesus, i wasn't bragging about the boyfriend ... he bought me. 
Thanks for bringing it up.  (seriously, i didn't think i was applying
for a dating service... i was just showing off.)  and, yes, music is
my passion,too ... just as filmmaking (and porn) is his... he just
likes to tease me about modest mouse, because he almost beat the fuck
out of the drummer at a Santa Cruz show during his thug years.  Oh,
and because he hates the kind of people that like Modest Mouse enough
to join a list. just. like. this.  Haven't you ever wanted to hate a
band because of it's fans?  How about now?

"if we really wanted to take this thing seriously:
maybe all the pics should be collected (like have an entry date set)
and restart the voting. then have perimeters set so you can only vote
once or something."  (Johnny pneumonia)

Noooooooooo!  If it was for real, I'd STILL lose, only I wouldn't be
able to laugh it off as pure folly!  Please Russ, don't make it
legit.  To get rejected by people who don't get my jokes (sometimes)
would kill me.

"ps - kate, yr hot." (russ)

you're just saying that because i said i put out.  but, thanks.

"I think this contest is what a lot of people are trying to escape in

real life: judgment based on physical attributes. But it is the
person's choice to put their picture up on the page.  If they can't
handle losing, they shouldn't participate in the contest." (~Ryan ...
there's always someone out there who is better than you)

Oh, how PC, emo, and indierock of us to have this discussion.  You
wanna do this? Okay.  Can't handle losing?  Maybe, but doubtful.  The
question is -- could I handle *winning* this contest?  Definitely
not.  How embarrassing would that be?  And, as far as your signature
goes, I think you are exactly right:  there IS always someone out
there who is better, faster, hotter, smarter... which is what always
kept me from killing myself in the competition.

"juding from the pictures, what is represented is a group of
attractive people... but, unfortunately it doesn't determine what
kind of person they are... but really, what does it matter?  this is
a looks based society, and i'm a looks based person... so shut your
fucking hole and just look pretty, ok baby?  keep your opinions to
yourself, because all i wanna do i jump your ignorant bones....
cheers!"  (leigh)

right -- can't judge a person by looks alone, which is why i included
1) my website address to show the Real Me  and 2) the fact that I put
out.  I mean, jesus... what else can i do?  offer the sale of my used
underwear?  I must win at ALL COSTS, Leigh!  It is very very
important to me!!!!  ARRRAGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!   And, yo, I'll do what I
want with my "fucking hole"... and if you doubt that, bring yours
over and I'll show you what to do with yours!  (Okay, that was as
faux-threatening as I can get.  Please don't take me seriously and
show up at my house.)  Oh, and Dood, please tell me that you were
joking by telling me that this is a looks-based society!

Last, Miss Natalie Tangles -- are you sure you really wanna get
involved with this?  If you do, I'm sure someone would scan your
photo for you.

*K8*!  (please feel free to delete this letter and go on with your day.)
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