> okay i'm completely confused right now... i always though agnostic was when
> you believe in some kind of god but you aren't quite sure what god or gods...
> but i'm not sure if thats right now from some of the statements... what does
> agnostic mean?? am i right or wrong or just simplifying the whole term...

Agnostic: "There might be a god.  Then again, there might not be.  I

Cynical agnostic: "I doubt there's a god.  But there might be.  I

Deist agnostic: "There's probably a god somewhere.  But damned if I know
his mailing address."

Hedonist agnostic: "God?  Never met him.  Let's have a beer."

np:Yo La Tengo, "Night Falls On Hoboken"
Hard like Tarot cards, behold the one-man million man march.
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

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