well in my experience most girls really dont like cynics...most girls i know are
too foolish, thinking that there is such a thing as a "perfect match" for
them..or that certian people are made for each other or whatever..and they find
the fact that i find all of that bullshit..a TOTAL turn off. not that i feel
sorry for myself or anything, but girls just reeeeeeally dont like me...thats the
way its always been. oh well. i think i need to find like..an anthropologist to
fall in love with..cause they probly see love and relationships at its rawest and
simplest and animalistic...and i think that would be perfect. id be interested i
hearing anyone else out there's philosophies on love...
bring it on...

> quote: "chicks dont do cynical guys" - my uncle

>Damn, yr uncle is way wrong.

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