I recall around July of last year there was a small Barkmarket thread
going on, so I know there are some fans here.  I just had a small email
exchange with vocalist/lyricist/guitarist Dave Sardy of Barkmarket, and
here's what I was told;

     1) Barkmarket *are* still together.
     2) Several new songs have been written.
     3) A new album is in the works, but a release date is unknown.
     4) A Barkmarket boxed-set will accompany the new album.

     I don't know about any of you, but I CAN'T WAIT.

     As mentioned last year by Virgil <his Barkmarket fan page can be
reached at http://www.angelfire.com/tx/barkmarket/>, Dave Sardy has begun
his own label, See Thru Broadcasting <http://www.seethrubroadcasting.com>.
It is probable that their new release will be on this label.

     You can also visit my Barkmarket fan page at;


     That's all.  Thought some would be interested.

     - Matt

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