In a message dated 3/10/2000 10:25:53 AM Mountain Standard Time, 

<< one last thing. . .anyone else on this list like steely dan?  i mean, 
 like them, not in a hah-hah they're funny my parents used to listen to them 
 way.  i'm happy that a) they've put out a new album (though i've not yet 
 heard it) >>

Heard the album, saw them perform on Letterman and a PBS special.  It's 
interesting merely for being the Dan, with the oddball lyrics you can't quite 
figure out, etc., but it sounds too lite-jazz-smooth, none of the rough edges 
or Skunk Baxter-style guitar of early albums (hell, it's 20 years since 
"Gaucho", they're old farts).  And, as a reviewer pointed out already, some 
of the new lyrics are just, well, creepy, in a 
your-weird-uncle-wants-to-screw-you kind of way.

Also, in re the comments about selling out to commercials (the latest insult 
was seeing Henry Rollins do Nortel Networks magazine ads), there's a 
counter-argument that can be made that merely by being born on this planet 
you become corrupt to the ways of the Spectacle to a certain extent, but I 
guess I figure that if you're blatantly selling song rights to anyone from 
Ford to Nortel, you're pretty much whoring around with a sign on the door.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

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