hi list,
all this talk recently about the music being played in the commercials is
interesting....it brings up the S word --no, not sassy, i mean sell-out...in
this forum, the way i see it is,  and by the way, i may be paraphrasing a
bit from something i think i read in an interview once, so anyhoo.... i
think if hank rollins wants to do a nortel commersh or a photo for the
gap...then fine....if he believes in the product then super...but more
importantly, if he makes X dollars doing something for the man, and then
puts that money into his publishing or record label to release something
really left of center, how is that wrong?
mr. rollins puts out a wide line of books as well as records from many
diverse artists and authors,  you can't think that he makes that much money
from rollins band or the residuals from the chase....

anyway, if superchunk wants to do a british knights jingle or looper gets
used on the x-games promo, look at it as them being able to pay for their
art, instead of having to scrape by and suffer...

i own a mansion and a yacht,

"you won't be happy with me
    so give me one more chance...you won't be happy anywhere..."

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