i should ahve known before that i would get a lot of flack from both sides..both
the (wow can i get a copy?" and the "you suck you will make the mouse go broke"
side..but for one thing...i wasnt thinking i rerget it...i dont know what i was
thinking, for another thing....i really make no plan to give copies out or to post
it online, and for another thing i do plan on buying the album when it comes
out....AND the big point is...how many of you out there can honestly tell me thatr
would wouldnt have bought it if you would have seen it? i mean..this was just too
good of an oppertunity...i was excited and i bought it..im sure most of you would
buy it when it came out officially too if you already had a shitty burned copy of
it...so i dont feel bad for buying it..and i dont feel bad for posting it eitheri
was excited and christ..it is something that has to do with the mouse...so i felt
the need to post it...that should make sense. i wasnt bragging. yes russ i do have
a tendency for bragging..including with the tiger trap c.d. but its different
cause im not doing it so people will email me wanting a copy (i could never part
with that tt c.d.) im just braggin cause i think its interesting. damn, i would
have bragged even more if the autographs were personally to me...not someone i
dont even know. thats all i really have to say, which is more than i should have
probly...this really is a waste of people's time. im sorry cause it is sort of my
fault. oh well.

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