RE:  The _Night on the Sun_ Japanese Tour EP

At 06:11 PM 3/30/00 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>This, combined with other tidbits that I had heard about the EP, led
>>me to the understandable conclusion that it was more of a bootleg than an
>>official release.
>*the definition of a bootleg, or to bootleg is to produce, reproduce or 
>distribute illicitly or without authorization*


>ok, so i got a few questions along the bootleg deal... why would a bootleg
>so well done... maybe it is just me, and my naieve perception of bootlegged 
>items, but i seriously doubt that a bootlegged would be so well put 

     Agreed - the EP has great audio quality, but the definition of a
bootleg does not take into account the quality of a recording.  When most
of us (including me) think "bootleg," we think "live show recorded with a
Fisher Price microphone" and other things of that nature.

     But that's not always true.  To go back to your definition of bootleg,
all it really means is "unauthorized."  Because I had originally thought
the _Night on the Sun_ EP was not authorized by the band, regardless of
whether or not it was on Rebel Beat Factory Records, calling it a "bootleg"
would be accurate.

>and i don't know when you joined this list, so that could answer my 
>question, but if you were on the list at the time it came out, you would
>understood that it was an official release...

     I subscribed in September of 1999.  My first post was a few weeks
later.  I recall some discussion about the EP, but I see that there was
much more discussion before I had joined after perusing the mailing list
archive on the WWW.  Most of it happened during the summer, apparently.

     - Matt

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