I'm only halfway through the plethora of posts from
this weekend, but please allow me to comment:

> With the money I get from it, I'm going to spend it 
> all on Tribe Called Quest albums Multiples of them
> So I can play them on separate stereos

This is a relatively good idea, although you'd be safe
to get just one copy of Beats, Rhymes & Life... 
On the other hand, you will need 4 copies of Low End
Theory.  Don't forget Quests for the Seasoned

> Jeff Buckley - Grace

godDAMN this album is beauteous.  I rediscover it
every couple of weeks, it seems.  They are releasing a
live album on 5/9, I cannot wait.

> favorite sound:
The sound of a light bulb breaking.  Flawless.

RE: mailing lists

I just want to remind everyone that you truly are free
to subscribe and unsubscribe from this list without
fear of castigation or prejudice.  If you choose to
publish yr first diatribe as you leave, please realize
that we as a list reserve the right to retract the
traditional cash severance lump sum (or the CSLS, as
we call it at the MM list office) that is normally
released to departing parties.  It's yr call, kids.
If you REALLY want to see chaos and annoyance on a
mailing list, might I recommend the Pavement list. 
Not only will you find the normal cross-section of
indie rock elitests and their bitter counterparts, but
there is also an extraordinary number of truly vulgar
and tasteless posts to tide over yr indiscretions.

I don't know what love is but I know that I need it
I don't know what life is but I know you can bleed it,


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