theres no way one can say that us maple is for everyone or not. theyre
totally an acquired taste, as is basically anything on skin graft
records. i thought it was funny that someone noted them as the worst band
theyd ever seen - thats basically what they strive for (to
oversimplify). you have to like weird shit and a general lack of
cohesiveness and melody to be into us maple. i think they rule

speaking of fucked up shit....anyone here like like lake of dracula or
jaks or scissor girls?

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ok, so i got one verdict, but i need some more... us maple, good or bad... me 
> and some kids here are all over "goodbye forever" by alkaline trio and there 
> is a line that says "remember last april when we saw us maple" and we almost 
> had to change our pants when we saw the us maple poster(?) in high 
> fidelity... but we still dont' know anything about them... dost they suck big 
> kaaaaccccckkkk?  tell me true.
> love and beef franks,
> leigh

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