On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, amy wolf wrote:

> > yeah, you have a GREAT point there. what was i thinking?! 
> > 
> > sorry, even though i am a white male, ethnic/gender/racial slurs still
> get
> > on my nerves. because they have become stereotypes doesnt mean they are
> > cool to use...at least in my new-to-the-list opinion.
> regardless of if they're cool to be used or not, they are used, so i don't
> see the point in commenting about it.  it's not worth it.  people have too
> many viewpoints and it starts......uhmmmmmmm..it starts this ;)  and i'm
> sure we've all learned the evils of 'this' (see previous conversation on
> the word gay a few months back)
> - amy
ok, this is my last post to the list on this subject...so as to avoid any
more hurt feelings and annoyed listers.

i honestly cant believe "logic" like this! have we become so apathetic to
racial slurs that we have resigned ourselves to just look the other
way? fuck no! not if i have anything to say about it at
least. dehumanizing racial and ethnic slurs are always worth commenting
on, ESPECIALLY if its coming from within "the scene."  fighting back the
bullshit that plagues american thought is what indie/punk/underground
music is based in. we are the other and dont have to stand for comments
like "lazy nigger" or "fucking faggot" or "dirty jew." by not saying
anything we are reaffirming the popular opinion that this is in some way
okay. at amy's suggestion, maybe it HAS become okay here to use
passive-aggressive racism because "hey, we all have different beliefs." if
thats the case, im burning my scene card right now. im sorry to amy for
being idealistic and hoping that people were at least smart enough to know
that a term like "jewed down" is still racist and still unacceptable. if
we're not going to draw the line there, where the fuck are we gonna draw

cuz i mean, hey, we all have different viewpoints and talking about it
just isnt worth it! 


feel free to email me directly with all comments and concerns, id love to
discuss this with anyone, privately.

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