for once i have a meaningful post
I'm sure people have heard of Handsome Boy Modeling School-but to see them is 
way better than to just hear them...Last night I saw them at the Theater of 
the Living Arts in philly, and they didnt just put on a show, they put on a 
circus...Prince Paul and Dan the Automator came out, and they said hi to the 
crowd, and Dan played a few things, and then Paul had a modeling contest on 
stage, with three girls and three guys.  He alternately praised the girls 
(except one who he kept making fun of because she was piss drunk) and dissed 
the guys (in a friendly way), but with good reason, because they all kept 
hitting on him.  The winner (one of the girls) got a box of wheat thins, and 
the other contestants got grapes and cheese.  Then Paul spun, while Dan 
passed out cookies, and since we were in the front row, we managed to snag a 
few.  Then my brother, he gave Dan a sign that read "Prince Paul and the 
Automator and El Supero Bombastico Magnifico."  Dan was pretty impressed, 
gave my brother two cookies, and then hung the sign off the speakers for the 
rest of the show.  Then he made sandwiches, and gave them to people, and my 
brother passed him a button that said "It's ok not to drink," which impressed 
Dan more, so he put the button on and wore it for the rest of the show.  
Later on they passed out CDs, and my friend got a norieaga cd.  All in all, 
the music was great, and these two were some of the greatest entertainers i 
have ever seen.

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