Title: Re: Mendoza lyrics

He's right! Some of my favorite lyrics are absolutely meaningless without the soul and music to back them up.

Case in point: my all-time favorite lyric is "This is the city life". Stupid, huh? Well I get shivers and nearly cry every time I hear it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Smoker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 10:19 AM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Mendoza lyrics

I'd just like to say FUCK YOU to all the people who
are mocking the Mendoza lyrics as I thought they were
charming and sweet.  Sometimes the simplest lyrics can
sound so profound given the right voice and backing
instrumentation.  I'd love to rip open the CD
collections of those who call such lyrics "insipid" to
discover the intellectually stimulating treats that
are to be found within.  Shit, I should start quoting
the simpler lyrics of any number of bands that I
constantly see worshipped on this mailing list, shall
I start with Polyvinyl, Jade Tree, or elsewhere?

I'll take that emo to yr dome piece, son.

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