Sounds to me like you've taken a tour of the shitholes on the west coast.
No offense. As an added bonus, we get all this publicity in Rolling Stone
and the like about being the anarchist capitol of the world, so if any
black hooded hooligans take a holiday they hop a train here.

Ben Hubbird

On Sun, 14 May 2000, K a t e M e r c i e r wrote:

> you wrote:
> >This town is a shithole. Do not come here.
> >
> >Hey, I have a riddle...what do you get when you mix a bunch of 
> >idealistic
> >college kids, dirty fucking hippies, crusty drunks that call
> >themselves
> >anarchists, and middle aged yuppie cocksuckers?
> and all i can say to that is:  yes, maybe the answer is Eugene, OR,
> but it's also Arcata, CA, Santa Cruz, CA, Berkeley, CA, San
> Francisco, CA... all places I've lived the past few years since
> college.    All I'm saying is:  it's rough all over.
> =====
> /// ... naked if i want to ...  ///
> ::: :::
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