Sounds like you just need out of'll miss the weather, but
not for too long.

I have to disagree with the guy who said's too full of
people who think very highly of themselves. If you're not attached to
living in a metropolitan area there are some incredible towns in oregon
and washington. As far as large cities go...get ye back east.

As far as cider goes, hornsby's is 3.50 a six pack here...there can be no
arguing with that.

Ben Hubbird

On Mon, 15 May 2000, K a t e M e r c i e r wrote:

> i can't completely disagree with your assesment of my choices on
> places to live.  but, as i am a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda
> girl (dear god, please don't let anyone notice that i just quoted
> 'pretty woman'), i am open for suggestions on where on the west coast
> is GOOD to live.  nix on ventura, and san diego, as i've already
> lived there, too.  but, please, someone point me in a direction.  i
> need out of the Bay Area.  Out, out, out.
> Now, about cider -- as i am ALLERGIC to beer, i can only drink cider.
> strongbow = okay in a ghetto pinch, likewise "hard cider," and i
> think that hornsby's tastes just like piss (ahem.) ... my favorite
> BRAND is "Ace" cider, out of California.  And, of those, my favorite
> is their Honey Cider, which is really more of a mead.  It's really
> good, swwet, but not cloying, full but not heavy.  Yum.  And honey
> has anti-oxidant properties.  Oh, and it fucks me up.
> Mouse content:  I had another weird dream about Isaac.  Something
> about copper/brass coins that you could trade in for t-shirts, except
> Isaac looked at mine and told me it was invalid.  Fucking jerk.
> love is just another word for nothing left to use,
> kate
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Sounds to me like you've taken a tour of the shitholes on the west
> > coast.
> > No offense. As an added bonus, we get all this publicity in Rolling
> > Stone
> > and the like about being the anarchist capitol of the world, so if
> > any
> > black hooded hooligans take a holiday they hop a train here.
> =====
> /// ... naked if i want to ...  ///
> ::: :::
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