> despite common belief that Canadian beer is stronger

Actually, I think the common belief in my particular
neck of the woods was that Canadian "ice" beers
contain the highest percentage of alcoholic content
allowable in the States.  What is it, just over 8%?  

RE: Yuengling
God, I would love to say that I still enjoy Yuengling
lager except that it is THE ONLY drink of choice for
EVERY goddamn kegger that I have ever been to, and
frankly I just can't drink it anymore.  I switched to
Rock on the cheap nights, and Corona w/ a lime when
I'm feeling saucy.  Newcastle is reserved for special
occasions, and the Harp/Guiness black & tan combo for
those very special and very inebriated occasions.  I
think the only other beer I have ever had from a keg
would be Pete's Wicked Winter Brew and Killian's Red. 
Anything less and I'll gladly pass in favor of other

> hornsby's is 3.50 a six pack here...

Where do you live again?  I'm ready to move right now.
Except that cider can work unnatural wonders on the
digestive track... consume in moderation or suffer the

How can I move the crowd?
First of all, ain't no mistakes allowed,


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