here's something to take yr minds of the cheap beer and vanilla dr.peppers...... for those who are too lazy or if it doesn't work, basically it says UP is releasing the much-coveted japanese ep on 12'' limited edition...along with some other stuff.... not terribly exciting, but maybe everyone can e-mail UP and see if its in stock and pester them like last year with K ...... this is where the fun starts, mattinfo begin 666 M6T1%1D%53%1=#0I"05-%55),/6AT=' Z+R]W=W<N<&ET8VAF;W)K;65D:6$N M8V]M+VYE=W,O,# M,#4O,38N<VAT;6P-"@T*6TEN=&5R;F5T4VAO<G1C=71= M#0I54DP]:'1T<#HO+W=W=RYP:71C:&9O<FMM961I82YC;VTO;F5W<R\P,"TP I-2\Q-BYS:'1M; T*36]D:69I960]-# X.3<X0T(R-D)&0D8P,4(Q#0H` ` end