Remeber those Hamms commercials...I miss those commercials. I want to set
up a blind taste test for beer snobs. "take the beast ice challege". Maybe
I'd have to use Blitz or something though, the taste of the Beast is a
little too distinctive.

I didn't say that people in portland were arrogant in any sort of in your
face, belligerent sort of way. It's exactly the opposite, which is much
much worst. The portlander is very content and at peace being 100%
convinced that they are 100% better than you.

I bet Modest Mouse drink the beast ice.

Ben Hubbird

On Mon, 15 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> To me there is something very scary about beer that cost less than 4
> bucks (unless, of course, you like malt liqueur). i grew up in the land
> of piss beer and when I came up to the northwest i just couldn't see the
> point in drinking that kind of beer anymore. i agree with matt who said
> that a beer snob is someone who simply like beer that tastes good. i
> drink lots of black bier and the selection here is prime (Guinness is
> still my favorite though). Also, all of the "beer snobs" I know only
> talk about beer to other "beer snobs", unless of course you strike up a
> conversation with one on that line. I do agree though that the worlds
> best beer comes from across the atlantic (mainly Ireland).
>     As far as Portland is concerned, if you think that this city is full
> of arrogant people then you really haven't been to other cities. In my
> humble opinion this is one of the most friendly, laid back, cities to
> exist. It just might be the most. The east coast for sure has nothing
> but cities that ignore you unless you know where to go, and any of most
> of the others people are just to busy to notice or care about you.
> I do like New Orleans though (atleast, only for a couple of weeks at the
> most).
> Subject: Re: [MMouse]: real beer
> Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 13:29:57 -0700 (PDT)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> A beer snob not only insists on drinking expensive beer, but also a beer
> snob insists on making their preferences therein heard, and heard
> loudly.
> Nothing worse than an earful when it's already enough trouble just
> trying
> to stomach your six pack of milwaukee's best ice pounders.
> Another thing that bugs me is people who insist that they don't like
> being
> drunk. Drink soda pop for christs sake.
> ___________________________________________________________________________
> Ben Hubbird
> _____________

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