i'm seconding (not a word) that motion. Fremont is indeed the most laid back 
place ever. i mean, a giant stone troll under a bridge? great. its turned 
into a big tourist trap though. but if you are ever in seattle, check out 
fremont. Broadway is also pretty laid back.
However, the best record store ever is DEFINATELY Singles Going Steady.
                rock and roll = www.singlesgoingsteady.com.

>Nope, not #1, Fremont in Seattle.  That is the most laid back and cool
>neighborhood on the planet.  Portland might come in #2 but Fremont takes 
>cake.  They have a giant mock-up of a rocketship labeled, "The Center of 
>Universe" and every other person is wearing tie-dye.  Oh, and there is the
>most kick-ass record store ever there, its called sonic boom records.

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