You've made my point for me very nicely. The fact that you have to
"develop" a taste for beer is a very good indication that it doesn't taste
particularly nice in the first place.

I'm not dismissing beer at all. No more than I'm dismissing cheese or wine
or mushrooms. To clarify: my cheese is western family, my wine is in a
box, and I don't generally eat mushrooms.

The fact that people can spend their entire lives trying to make
themselves think beer tastes good makes an excellent example of what is
wrong with people today.

Ben Hubbird

On Thu, 18 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I brew my own beer, and rarely drink it to get drunk.  Anyone who doesn't 
> think you can develop a taste for the right mix of malt, grains, and hops is 
> just an idiot.  And anyone who thinks there is no difference between a 
> hand-crafted ale and a lite American beer has a complete lack of taste buds 
> to go along with their lack of brains.  I'm not trying to put my beer-snob 
> hat on here, just saying that beers and wines have been perfected for 
> thousands of years, and that many people spend virtually their lives 
> developing discriminating tastes for fine beers and wines, like you would 
> fine cheeses or mushrooms or something, and that most of these people don't 
> give a rat's ass about getting snockered.  Dismissing beer generically is 
> just plain silly.
> Loring Wirbel
> Monument, Colo.

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