there have been SOOOOOO many digests sitting in my inbox, because of
all the moshing/hokey (oh, i meant hockey) talk.  yikes.... so, my
comments adding to the HOT MOSH DEBATE -- i don't know about you all,
but one of my favorite things about having pent up aggression is
being able to be on the edge of any "pit" and being
able/willing/strong enough to push people back into the hell from
which they bounded forth.  protecting the weak and ignorant... that's
where i get my kicks -- i just usually tell some sweet young thing
(plenty of both sexes at those indie-rock shows) to stay behind me
and i'll protect them from the social graceless.  and then, i just
let the coiled up anger exist completely in my arms and back, rather
than my head.  i don't yell at people at shows (unless it's some tall
girl with long hair smacking me in the face, doing the
ever-so-alluring Drunk Chick dance).  plus, this gives me the ability
to dance like a retard (apologies to the socially, mentally or
emotionally retarded kids who are on this list) when i want to,
because then i'm not sardined.

have i asked this list about the band grandaddy?  and who all is
planning on going to the "This Aint No Picnic" feshta in Irvine?

/// ... naked if i want to ...  ///
::: :::

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