thank you, thank you, thank you.  i think you were going here with this, if i 
may be so bold:

"so i don't mind dancing, and others having a good time, as long as it is not 
infringing on the enjoyment of others.  sometimes, i just don't feel like 
being shoved around by some sweaty fuck, and if said sweaty fuck can respect 
that, so can i."

seriously, i don't care what you want to do to enjoy a show (why is this such 
a point of contention with people - all this, "if you don't dance you're 
dumb" and "if you do dance, you're dumb" bullshit?).  but there's almost 
inevitably one or two frat-bros or "punker than yr mom" asshole who thinks 
it's funny to try and "initiate" others into their rites of stupidity.  and 
that's where the problem is.

and bjorn, i attended many a nw show by the mouse from late 95/early 96 up 
through mid98, and i did in fact witness more than a few examples of morons 
moshing.  the insinuation that i would make up something that inconsequential 
(and to what end, anyway?) is just ridiculous.  i've even seen people moshing 
to dub narcotic sound system. . .all it takes is the right (wrong) crowd. . . 


> While this topic has already been debated to death, I feel inclined to add 
>  two cents to this, because moshing annoys the fuck out of me at shows. 
>  get me wrong, i love dancing, screaming along, and having a good time, but 
>  you don't have to knock around anyone else to do this. I've honestly 
>  into fairly serious fights with people about this. When I saw modest 
>  these six or seven frat guys decided to start right into me and like 2 
>  people during "tundra/desert", and i almost broke a beer bottle over one 
>  guy's head. I don't quite remember where I was going with this,, 
>  listen to Knapsack.

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