I was hoping to get boots/set lists of the two shows
in D.C. (May 23 & 24, 2000) You see, these are the
first two mouse shows I have ever been to and I can
assure you they won't be my last.  So if anyone knows
how I can get ahold of these boots/set lists (personal
mementos) please let me know. 

Secondly-- Star, I haven't forgot about the Mr. Show
copies, I am in the process of moving to Dallas and
Have been extremely busy/scatterbrained.  I will get
these copied and to you come hell or high water.

Finally--  Anyone on the list going to be at the
Dallas Show (June 1, 2000)  If so look me up, I'm
bald (I decided to carpet bomb my fast approaching
male pattern baldness) and will be wearing a blue
Starsky and Hutch shirt (normally, I don't pick my
clothes out weeks in advance but....)  Hope to see
some of you all there.

--Rick "grinning from ear to ear after my first live  
MM experience" Miller

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