Whoever was looking for some albums to buy, I agree with Russ, if you don't
own any Mountain Goats, get some... now. "Sweden" or "Nothing for Juice" are
definitely choice. Or try Elevator Drops' "Pop Bus" for an experience in
creative musical yumminess (what happened to this band?)

Speaking of the Mountain Goats, does anyone have info about the tribute
album? Who is going to be on it? When is it due? etc.

Lastly, I believe there is a list member living in London who was concerned
about acquiring the new mouse album in Europe? Yes, no? Email me privately
as I will be flying into Heathrow for a layover on June 14th. I will gladly
purchase mouse for you if you can arrange to meet me somehow (oh crap, I
just checked and the layover is in Manchester, 4 friggin' hours!?!?).
Anyway, maybe I can just mail it from Warsaw. Any other European list
members can email me about similar arrangements.



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