sorry all, for being so damn lazy on the hot kids page, which, fyi, is

im mustering up the nerve to make it more modem friendly. but its going
to take like an hour and a half to do and im such a fucking slacker.
anyone whom i owe tapes, letters, etc to can verify my slackerness. 
so email me yr pics, i keep them in a special folder and when i get
around to changing/putting them up, they will go up. dig? and if you
feel like giving me a kick in the ass emailwise like "hey you tubby
bastard get off your fat ass and fix the hotgirls page", be my guest

and to answer amy's question, the kid who owns the compouter that
digitalsushi is on often tries to install crazy modules and breaks the
webserver. it will be up when i point out to him that its not. 


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